
PSY4WORK members have successfully completed their studies in W&O psychology at a master level, either at a university or at a Swiss specialized high school (HES), or hold an equivalent degree from a foreign university.
They commit to continuous training and to comply with the ethical principles of the FSP (Swiss Federation of Psychologists) code of ethics. Members are authorized to use the protected title of "psychologist FSP", which guarantees scientifically based, proven in practice and serious psychological services.
Statuts PSY4WORK
PSY4WORK was founded in 1994 as the APTLF-CH (Association of the Work and Organization Psychologists of French Language, Swiss section), by Professor Michel Rousson and Mr Marc Thiébaud. Its name became APSYTRA in 2003 (French-speaking Swiss Association of Work and Organization Psychologists), then PSY4WORK in 2016 in order to better represent all FSP affiliated W&O psychologists.